


中学课程调整 for Social Studies, 数学, and 世界语言

十大正规网赌软件很自豪能在创造一致性方面处于领先地位, 严格的, and appropriate middle school courses for all our students as part of our commitment to racial equity. 2020年2月分享, we are aligning course offerings for middle schools and K-8 schools across the district to bring predictability to all our families and create common pathways to college and career.

正如之前宣布的那样, 从2021-22学年开始, every SPS sixth and seventh grade student will be taught using the Board-approved Amplify Science curriculum, 无论高能力(HC)资格.

We are also pleased to announce that courses will be similarly aligned for social studies, 包括自古以来, 数学, 世界语言将在2021-22学年开始.

注:以下常见问题将根据收到的新问题进行更新. 使用 SPS网上联络表格 to submit questions and you will receive a response from staff as soon as possible.


从2021-22学年开始, district-adopted curriculum Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in 华盛顿 State will be taught at all grade levels as the primary curriculum for American Indian history.

六年级的课程名称将保持不变, 7, 和8, 但地理和东半球课程将停止. 课程将按照修改后的内容进行 华盛顿州社会研究标准 6年级和7年级. All students will follow the same course sequence 无论高能力(HC)资格.


  • 6年级:《十大正规网赌软件》及《十大正规网赌软件》
  • 7年级扩展到华盛顿州一整年的历史, 特别关注自远古以来
  • 8年级: U.S. 历史和政府,自古以来


How will students learn about geography and Eastern Hemisphere if those courses are discontinued?

Geography and Eastern Hemisphere will now be incorporated into World History. Geography is also incorporated into social studies curriculum for all K-12 students.

Why are only grades 6 and 7 shifting to follow the revised 华盛顿州社会研究标准?

标准的改变需要对六年级和七年级进行调整. There were no other significant standards shifts from our current curriculum in other grades.


2021-22学年, students in grade 6 will be enrolled in the next math course in the sequence based on their grade 5 math course enrollment. This ensures that all students receive instruction in the foundational K-8 math standards that lay the groundwork for algebra and higher math courses that students will take in high school.

课程的数学内容区, 评估, and Instruction will partner with all middle and K-8 schools to ensure that by the 2022-23 school year there is at least one acceleration pathway available for students who are ready for a faster pace or more challenge while in middle school, 通过压缩内容或加倍. 而各个学校可能会设计自己的加速机会, the 数学 Content Area can support schools who plan to offer the 数学 7/8 Compacted course in grade 7, or who plan to allow students to double-enroll in 数学 8 and Algebra 1 in grade 8.

SPS has transitioned away from skipping over a math course as a district-supported acceleration option because it results in students missing foundational math learning crucial for success in later math courses. 达到高级课程的机会, 比如大学先修课程和国际学士学位课程, 学生只需要在数学上加速一年, 在初中或高中会发生什么.

For additional questions about math enrollment for students qualified for advanced learning or highly capable services, 请与 高级学习部 或者回顾你的中学的持续学校改进计划.


What is the sequence of math courses that students are expected to take starting in grade 6?


If my student doubles up on math courses, will they have to drop an elective?

在大多数情况下,是的. 额外的数学课将作为学生的选修课.


World languages at the middle school level was previously offered as a two-year sequence. 例如, students could take Spanish 1A for two semesters in grade 7 and then Spanish 1B for two semesters in grade 8. Students then had the option to move forward one year of world language credit for high school credit. Some schools also offered an exploratory language option that was not for high school credit.

作为中学调整计划的一部分, the goal of all middle schools is to provide an opportunity for all students to earn at least one high school credit of world language. World language at the middle school will now be offered in a one-year sequence. 例如, students will complete Spanish 1A in a semester and Spanish 1B in a semester. 这和高中教授世界语言的方式是一样的. Students will now receive high school credit for completing world language in middle school. Some schools may still choose to offer the exploratory language option which is not for high school credit. 学校提供的语言会有所不同. This new world language alignment will increase the opportunity for all students to be able to take world language through the one-year sequence and will increase the number of students earning high school credit for world language in middle school. This will also increase the opportunity for schools to offer level 2 of a world language within their master schedule and will increase the opportunity for students to take higher level language courses in high school.



No. The current yearlong 1B courses will be phased out and all middle schools will be offering world language in a one-year sequence by the 2022-23 school year.


It is best to check with your child’s school about course offerings each spring

What if my student’s school doesn’t offer the language that they are interested in?


No. 我们建议与你的学校领导和社区分享你的兴趣.